The Complete Guide to Drying Foods at Home: Everything You Need to Know About Preparing, Storing, and Consuming Dried Foods (Back to Basics) Description :
Food dehydration is not just for prunes and raisins any more; a recent U.S. study revealed that the dried and dehydrated food industry made more than billion in revenue in one year alone. Thanks to advances in technology, dehydrating foods at home has become easier than ever, allowing you to lock in food’s nutritional value while eliminating the water content that causes foods to grow bacteria and mold. Drying foods also gives you a source of raw, nutrient-rich food that is easily available and requires no additional preparation.
The Complete Guide to Drying Foods at Home provides you with all the information necessary for drying fruits, vegetables, meats, herbs, grains, and even dairy products. This book will provide you wi. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD BOOK